IES Son Cladera students dive into the world of bees

Yesterday, within the framework of our environmental education programme, the Year 12 students from IES Son Cladera School had the opportunity to learn about the bee project at the Fundación Vida Silvestre Mediterránea.

During the first hour, the documentary “The Invisible Mechanism” was screened, highlighting the significance of pollinators, especially the honeybee, in the balance of terrestrial ecosystems. These insects have been fundamental for millions of years in the intricate mechanism that sustains life on our planet. In fact, up to 75% of the fruit and vegetable production we consume directly depends on pollinators. However, factors such as climate change, diseases, deforestation, and the excessive use of pesticides are decimating insect populations, with at least a third of them critically endangered. The documentary poses a reflection: Would life be possible in a world without pollinators?

Following the documentary, we took a guided tour of the bee museum, led by Martí Mascaró, the beekeeper featured in the documentary. Martí showed us the different types of apiaries that have existed throughout history and those most commonly used today. Moreover, we were able to closely observe the bees in their hives and learn about the three essential types: the queen, the workers, and the drones.

To conclude the day, we witnessed the honey extraction process using a centrifuge. We had the opportunity to bottle and taste different varieties of honey, the flavour and colour of which vary depending on the time of year.