Mallorca Preservation                                                     Grant Application Form 

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1. Introduction

2. Organisation details

3. The environmental issue and your solution

4. Who will you work with and how?

5. How will you track and measure the success of your work?
  • 5.1  Project deliverables
  • 5.2 Any environmental impacts that might be applicable
  • 5.3 Any social, cultural, and economic outcomes that might be applicable
6. Have you considered the potential risks?

7. Your budget

8. Additional information

9. Declaration

Documents required to complete the application:
  • Charitable status proof
  • Budget

1. Introduction

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Format: DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY
Format: DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY

Where specifically in the region/country will you be carrying out your work?

2. Organisation details

Please include area code (i.e.+44) and use a mobile # if possible

3. The environmental issue and your solution

4. Who will you work with and how?

Partners are people, groups or institutions who will working alongside you to achieve similar aims. Partnerships can take many forms, including people who will co-deliver elements of the work, organisations that provide materials or venues and people you will train to deliver part of the project.
Target groups or stakeholders are the people that your project is seeking to engage with and to influence. Target groups can be very broad (i.e. 'children') or very narrow (i.e. restaurant owners')/ They can be people (i.e. tourists), institutions (i.e. local government) or industries (i.e. the fishing industry)
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5. How will you track and measure the success of your work?

The next questions will ask you to describe the indicators you will use to assess the progress and, possibly, the success of your project.

An indicator is a specific and observable accomplishment or change that could show your project has been a success. Indicators are widely used in project monitoring and evaluation so the work you put in here should help you with other projects in the future. 

These sections and indicators are informed by the Conservation Collective group theory of change. Click here to take a look. 

We will ask you to think about three different types of indicators in this order: 
  • Project deliverables
  • Any environmental impacts that might be applicable to your project
  • Any social, cultural or economic outcomes that might be applicable to your project
Of these you will only be asked to measure and report on your project deliverables at the end of the funding, but we would still like you to think about what your intended impact and outcomes might be, and reflect on these at the end if possible. 

We want to make this process as easy as possible and have put some thought into common indicators that you could use.  We have made suggestions and used examples, but you might need to do some thinking to apply this to your own work and suggest relevant indicators for your project if necessary. 

5.1 Your deliverables

Please list and describe your 'project deliverables'.

These are the thing or things that you intend to produce, organise, achieve etc. This could be a piece of research or data collection, a course delivered, a website set up, a meeting organised, leaflets produced and distributed etc. This section refers to what successful delivery of a project should look like. Depending on the project, this could be as wide ranging from the successful completion of a piece of research, through to holding an event. Please add as many as you like. 

At the end of the project you will be asked to report back on these. 
Format: DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY

5.2 Your environmental impact

Please consider the environmental impact indicators you want your project to contribute to.

Impact indicators refer to the ultimate environment goal your project wants to influence. Every project should be able to choose a relevant impact indicator, even if it is not working on the issue directly (ie awareness raising projects). To help you define indicators we have developed a list of indicators under the headings above for you to choose from, or to help you develop your own.

Please note, we encourage you to list as few environmental indicators as possible. Selecting or describing just one is fine.

Please also note that while we want you to state which indicator(s) is relevant we will not expect you to measure this indicator, just reflect on it at the end of the project.

We understand that measuring can be difficult and expensive, and that change can take a long time to achieve.

5.3 Your social, cultural, and economic outcomes

Finally, we would like you to describe your projects intended 'outcomes'.

'Outcomes' refer to the social, cultural and economic changes that you think will contribute to the environmental impact of your work. Essentially, outcomes describe something different that we want humans to do which could in turn lead to positive change in the environment, driving the environmental impacts listed previously. 

All projects will have outcomes, and they may have several. Even projects that are aiming to have direct environmental impact are likely to have an outcome that relates to human motivations or behaviours. For example, a project to clear an area of plastics will also aim to raise awareness of this work and the harm done by plastics (to reduce the future need for clearing). Indeed, most projects will only achieve impacts through outcomes.

To help you we have developed a list of outcomes for you to choose from, or to help you develop your own. 

Please note that while we want you to state which are relevant we will not expect you to measure this, but just to reflect on it at the end of the project. We understand that measurement is difficult and expensive and that change takes a long time to achieve.

6. Have you considered the potential risks?

7. Your budget

Staff Costs/Personnel



Travel Expenses

Third Party Fees



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8. Additional information

9. Declaration

Please confirm the following:
  • I confirm that all the information in this application is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree that you can check the information in it and any supporting documents with other people and organisations if required.
  • My organisation has the power to accept a grant, under your terms, and the power to pay back the grant if the terms are not being met.
  • I understand that any misleading statements (whether deliberate or accidental) I give at any point during the application process, or any information I knowingly withhold, could mean my organisation’s application is not valid, in which case you will cancel the grant and claim back the money we have received, stop assessing and return the application, or withdraw any grant you offered my organisation.
  • I am authorised to put forward this application on behalf of my organisation.
  • On behalf of my organisation, I agree that if we receive any grant from you for our project, we will keep to the standard terms of the grant and any further terms and conditions set out in the grant notification letter.
Format: DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY